Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Here goes nothing...

I have talked about starting a blog for a few months now and have decided today is as good as any to write my first post! Rob and I have a lot of exciting changes coming up with the move and the new house and I figured what better way to track all those changes and keep friends and family updated than with this blog. Also, I have recently taken up photography as a hobby so I thought this would be a great site to share some of the pictures I have taken for friends and family! And because blogs are so much more fun to read when they have pictures on them I have decided to share a few from Betsy's and my graduation this weekend!

Here we are walking down the hill! I'm pretty sure Betsy took five years just so we could do this together when I finished my Masters. I'm pretty sure that is the same reason Callie went for the Masters degree. :)

And then a few family shots after the big walk. My mom had the great idea when I graduated a few years back to do a "graduation tailgate." I can't tell you how many people walked by and commented about what a good idea it was. I'd bet you'll see a lot more graduation tailgates in the upcoming years! You can bet that almost any picture I'm cousin Mitchell took. One of these days I will have to showcase some of his pictures! He is awesome!
My Grandma Bear, me, my Mimi, Momma, and Bets

My cute husband...we have a picture just like this from my undergrad graduation tailgate!

I wish I could say she was wearing heels or standing on a hill...but no...she is just that much taller than me.

I think Dad is pretty happy to have both his girls out of college! :)

Its amazing we used to have bend down for them to kiss us on the Bets is on her tippy toes!

Family. :)

The traditional cousin pic! We were missing a few so here is our pick for  Em and Claire (and Ben...hence the minus three.)

She is just as sassy in real life as she looks in this picture.

Bets and her bff/another little sister to me, Callie

This picture cracks me looks like the balloons are carrying us away!

Well, I think that is it. Here's to seeing if I can keep this blog going! :)

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited that you have finally started to blog! You're off to a good start.... love the pics!
