Monday, July 4, 2011

I love my brothers...

When I was trying to come up with a name for this blog, I originally wanted it to be "I love" with a url of Of course, as with a lot of my other blog name ideas, it was already taken. The fact is...I love a lot. If you go back through my posts I'm sure you will see a couple titled I love this or I love that. I love people, I love foods, I love places, I love things....I start out a lot of my statements with 'I love.' The good Lord has surrounded me with a lot of love and in return, I have a lot of love to give back. However, even though I love a lot of things...there are few things I love more than my baby brothers. Actually...nothing I love more...although I don't love them exclusively the most...well, maybe somedays, haha, but most times they are "tied" with the rest of my fam. Of course there are times they drive me crazy, and I gripe at them or yell at them, or sometimes if I'm really angry I give them a little shove to "get away"...which now just causes them to laugh at me considering they are both a foot taller than I am and don't even budge. I like to think I still made my point though. So minus those few times they are living up to their roles as younger brothers and driving me insane...I really love them. :) They are truly some of my best friends and there are few people in this world that make me laugh as much as them (Bets being one of those few others). It is just known in the family that I didn't get as many height genes nor could I be a stand up comedian...but that's ok because I'm content with always having to look up at my siblings and am always so busy laughing at their conversations that I wouldn't have time to crack (intentional) jokes even if I wanted to.

Yesterday I drove over to Hutch to hang out with the boys at the pool...of course as soon as we got there it started raining. My dad had just gotten done golfing so we ended up sitting around with him and his golf group waiting out the rain. In the mean time, everybody else left the pool so we had it all to ourselves once the storm had passed. Per usual the brothers were cracking me up with their funny robot voices and silly contests. In case you didn't know...they talk in robot voices to each other. A lot. I didn't realize this until last year when we were driving to my cousin Emily's graduation from TCU we were all just in the car talking and Ted answered a question from Joe in a robot voice. It threw me off and so I laughed and asked what that was all about. Ted was real quiet for a few seconds then he said, "Sometimes....when Joe and I are driving....and it is just us....we have full conversations in robot voices." long pause....."I wish I was joking." I started cracking up then Ted and Joe just went from there....for an HOUR in the car they had a full conversation in their "brobot" voices, slipping in robotic inuendos and referencing how "Papabot's battery was dead" because my dad was sleeping or how Ted was unplugged for a week  because my parents grounded him. My mom broke into the conversation in her own robot voice and said she wanted a toasted bagel...which was random and hysterical in and of itself, but then Joe took that as an opportunity to tell my Mom he broke the toaster. He said (in robot voice), "I got the toaster out of the cabinet but it turns out robot hands are slippery...I dropped it and it broke....I was so sad....the toaster was one of my best friends." And we were all laughing really hard thinking he is just kidding around...then Joe goes (still in robot voice), "Mom, I'm serious, I broke the toaster....oops." Of course my mom couldn't get mad at him because we were all laughing so hard....well-timed, Joe Henry! Anyways...I could go on and on about that story (and many others) but instead I'm just going to share some of the pictures from yesterday. :)

Tedder showing off his lifesaving skills...

Du-nuh.....du-nuh.....Shark Joe Henry.

The brobots

Brobot malfunction!

Joe's girlfriend, Savannah, was the lifeguard on duty...she just rolled her eyes at Joe Henry's "help me, I'm drowning" cries. I would have, too. :)

What goofballs.

Joe Henry shark attacking Tedder...I love all these pictures of them just goofing around together.

I loved watching them play together when they were younger...and it is just as cute at ages 16 and 19. I love that they want to hang out together!

I think this picture really sums up their individual personalities. :)

In this next little series, Joe Henry got thrown off balance when he jumped...I only wish these pictures had sound!

Their dolphin picture. Joe was all about being a shark, or a water spider, or a dolphin. Here him and Ted decided to be a "herd" of dolphins. They were suprisingly in sync!

And I'll finish it with a pic in perfect form!

Off to prepare for a little 4th of July BBQ! Happy Independence Day everyone! :)


  1. I love the picture where their eyes are hovering right above the cement- I want a framed copy. It reminds me of that picture that is in the tri-fold frame on the breakfast nook secretary from when they were littler... Cutest baby brothers ever.

  2. We took a picture just like that to frame next to the old one! I'll post both of them up here as soon as I can get a copy of the pic from Mom and Dad's! :)And I agree...cutest baby brothers ever. :)
