Sunday, November 9, 2014

Josh - Senior Preview

I love taking senior pictures. And the past couple years I have tended to photograph more girls than boys. So much so that I almost forgot how different boys are to photograph! We don't have to worry about wind or hair or the outfit laying just right...boys just kind of go with it. Well, maybe not all boys, but definitely Josh! He was so laid back and easy going about the whole thing. I loved spending the morning just chatting and snapping pictures with him and his mom. My only regret is that I didn't get a picture of the two of them together! They clearly have a great relationship and I wish I would have snapped a photo of both of them at some point. Oh well, maybe we will just have to hang out again soon and do that! :)

I actually showed Josh part of his preview a few weeks ago when he was up for homecoming king and needed a few photos, so not all of this is new to them. Since then though I edited a few more to round out the rest of the preview.  Thanks again for picking me to take your senior pictures. Hope you enjoy the rest of your preview, Josh!

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