Anyways, one of things Tedder rocks as most is basketball. When I say that, you may think I mean he is really awesome at scoring, defending, rebounding, etc. And yes....he is really awesome at those things. But when I say he rocks at basketball, I mean he literally plays the game in the BEST possible way. Tedder is such a great teammate. If he isn't on the court he is the biggest supporter on the bench. Cheering for his teammates, sending them words of encouragement, and jumping up and down at the first sign of a great play (or a really bad call. :)). What is funny, is when we were at one of Joe Henry's basketball games this past winter he said "Gosh, Joe is such a great teammate...I am working to have an attitude more like him." I sat there a little shocked because all I could think was "where do you think he learned that, Tedder?!" He spent years watching Ted be that supportive player, ecstatic when it was his turn to be on the court or make the play, but also just as supportive from the sidelines...and he emulated it. And Tedder is the same way on the court. He runs to high-five teammates, pat their backs, and encourage them after they may have made a mistake. I love that about him and am always beaming with pride when I get to watch him play for Sterling College.
And that pride was on full display when he and his teammates got to play for the KCAC championship. For those of you who don't understand or follow NAIA sports...this is a BIG deal. When they made the championship game and I relayed the information to Rob (who played NAIA baseball) he said "WOW....that is awesome...and in case you don't know...that is a BIG deal." It isn't easy to get to the championship game. And Sterling did it...and they played great. In fact, if you ask me...they HAD that game. They had already beat McPherson twice during the year and were the better team. Mac just happened to get lucky. With that being said, as always, I was beaming with pride for Tedder both during and after the game. He is the picture of a great player and teammate and I am so glad he got the chance to play for a KCAC championship during his time at Sterling....with that being is to hoping they go back and win it next year! Go Warriors!
The game was fun! My parents couldn't make it because they had agreed to host the Salthawk basketball dinner that night, which originally wasn't a problem, except snow moved Tedder's game to the same night. They were so bummed, but think goodness it was televised. They had it on every TV in the house and even texted that at one point the entire Salthawk varsity basketball team was crowded into our upstairs den cheering on Sterling. I loved that!
I love it when Tedder sees me in the stands and gives me a look! Even if it is a look like this...I'm guessing he looked at me like this because I was waving my hands around like a lunatic trying to get his attention. Just wanted to flash the ILY sign before the game! :)
So proud of you, Tedder. Can't wait to see what your senior year at Sterling brings! Love you!